Boy, time sure flies when your busy, eh?
I have been working on my websites, helping my sister out at her bakery, and still working at a full time job. I have learned that time is the one thing you can never get back, so I am trying to make each minute count.
I added Google ads to my sites and have been promoting them often. I optimized the meta tags for the search engines and even added some affiliate banners. Much more to do yet, but it is good to have something that keeps me busy.
Samson and Caesar, my bratty cats, are getting fat and sassy. Samson is my "dog-cat" he was raised by a Yorkshire terrier that had lost her pups. She went into a depression until my sister found 4 kittens that were motherless, because she died. That dog is a trip. She would not let those kittens out of her sight.
Anyway, Samson was the only one that survived--thus his name--and now as an adult cat he doesn't know if he is a cat or a dog. I had to put locks on the bathroom door, because he figured out how to open it...Kind of embarassing for guests.. He even taught Caesar how to do it...
Caesar was rescued from the local animal shelter. This is the most loving, sweet cat I have ever owned. Both are males and neutered. Caesar must weigh 25 pounds, (ok, so I like to exagerate). but honestly, he is a huge, orange and white colored cat with a huge stomache. (oh, oh, I just told on myself, heard a person's animals look like the owner)
Well, have to close for now, will try to keep this up more often.
Enjoy my blog and browse around.
Come back soon.
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